Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Starting Soon

Truthfully, this blog is mainly for me. I used to study Tarot with an amazing teacher. For some reason, I stopped reading when I moved away from her, and my Tarot cards go mostly unused. I always say that I'll pick them back up, but I never do.

Every weekend, I'll pick a card to focus on, and I'll share my work with whatever random folks on the net might want to read it. Truthfully, I don't expect anyone to actually read this!

That being said, here's some background information about me.

I started studying Tarot about six or so years ago. My teacher taught using the Rider Waite style decks, and I brought a Greek Mythology deck of that a friend gave to me after being unable to figure it out. Her system was based very much on your relationship with the cards, and I had no relationship with these cards - I know very little Greek mythology. A friend was taking the class with me, and she always knew what mythos the cards were about, so I gifted the deck to her.

My teacher gave me her old Morgan Greer deck. She had a new deck (same cards just newer), and I powdered up her old cards, cleansed them, and dedicated them. That Arizona can really dedicate cards because we got along fabulously! Interestingly enough, we realized that no matter what, I got happy readings. My teacher nicknamed it my Pollyanna deck, and I set about searching for some new cards. I ended up with the Arcus Arcanum deck. Truthfully, this surprised me. It's listed as a very male oriented deck, and the picture style doesn't do anything special for me. However, the interpretation of some of the cards that I saw photos of online blew my mind, so I ordered a deck. This deck isn't as optimistic as my Morgan Greer deck, but I do prefer getting an all inclusive picture when I'm doing a reading.

I do have other decks, but those are for show. the Arcus Arcanum deck is my main deck, and I only pull out the Morgan Greer deck if I desperately need help finding something positive for myself or someone else.

I'll probably make random posts with information about some of my other decks. My favorite deck (non-working deck, that is), is my Knitting Tarot. I've never done a reading with it, and, in fact, the deck and I aren't close, yet. Who knows, I might use this blog to get better acquainted with my Knitting Tarot. This is really a great deck - go read about the amazing people who created it!

A blog isn't a place for my personal, innermost private thoughts. A blog is a wide-open arena that anyone can see. I won't be doing readings for myself or anyone else and then posting the information on this blog. I might sometimes talk about how the cards relate to my day, week, or weekend, but don't expect down and dirty nitty-gritty. This blog is for the more universal pieces of information that I'll be gleaning from the cards. The personal things will continue to be recorded in my hardcopyjournal!